Friday 5 October 2012

Tilda Kids Rice

Have you tried Tilda Kids rice yet?  You should! They have a delicious range of rices which are perfect for teaming up with a wide range of meals!  They combine lots of vegetables and are really tasty.  

Recently we discovered that Tilda Kids were running a story competition where children had to write an adventure story about Tilli and her friends.  In case you are wondering who Tilli is, she's the elephant which graces the packs of Tilda Kids rice.  This story competition certainly provided "food for thought" for my oldest son and it was a lovely activity as we sat down together and discussed possible story plots.  In the end he decided upon writing about the children trying to cook a lovely meal for Tilli, to repay her for her kindness in always providing them with lovely meals.

Here's his story:

Tilli had made so many delicious meals for the children that they decided that it was time to do something nice for Tilli. What better way to repay her kindness than to cook her a tasty dish! Of course the children were too young to do real cooking with hot ovens by themselves so they gathered together some of the things that they knew Tilli loved to eat and began to make her a meal that didn’t need cooking. Being an elephant this was what she liked best anyway.
So the children found some grass and leaves that were healthy for Tilli and helped Tilli learn to laugh and grow and play. For they realised that it wasn’t just important for them to eat good foods but Tilli needed to eat good elephant foods too.
When Tilli saw what trouble the children had gone to for her she was so pleased and said that she would create more tasty Tilda dishes for the children tomorrow. Everyone was happy!
And so we sent off the email with his story and a few weeks later we were absolutely thrilled to receive an email informing us that he won!  The prize was a wonderful family pass to a zoo of our choice!!  We will be blogging about our special zoo adventure in a few weeks time, so keep your eyes peeled!
In the meantime the lovely PR lady who I passed a few emails back and forth with asked me whether I had seen the new ebook available from  I had a look and thought it was brilliant, so I thought it was worth writing a little blog post about.  
The e-book is called 'Grow with Tilli & Friends' and it's a recipe and activity book.  You can visit and print one off, and there's activities suitable for everyone in there.  The book is lovely and colourful and contains tons of fun ideas, so it might even be worth you laminating the book so that you can keep it in good condition for the amount of times you will want to use it.
What I liked about the book was that it featured recipes that I hadn't necessarily come across before; have you ever heard of a rice cake before?  I haven't but I intend making one this weekend.  Things like the dot-to-dot pages were also a great hit with my sons and I loved the pages with songs on for the children to sing too.
One of the pages featured a recipe called 'Kiddy Korma' and it went down a treat with everyone, the Tilda Kids 'Mild & Sweet Curry rice' providing the perfect accompaniment with the delicate blend of vegetables.
Yum! Kiddy Korma!

The recipe used lots of fresh fruit and veg like carrots, peas, onions and apples which made the korma naturally sweet; it was delicious!

Here's a close-up!

My little boy thoroughly enjoyed doing some of the yoga moves featured in the booklet, and we are planning on making the 'Fruity Rice' for breakfast tomorrow!

I was so impressed with the e-book that I thought it would be fun to make a little video of my youngest son (my oldest son was too camera shy) partaking in some of the activities.  Have a look and see what you think .......

To download your copy of the book please visit

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