Monday, 25 July 2016

Oh Happy Day Card Kit Review - Stampin' Up! UK‏

 It's the Summer holidays and crafting time is limited, however, this perfect craft kit 'Oh Happy Day card kit from Stampin' Up! UK' is perfect for a quick crafting fix as everything you could possibly need to create a card from scratch is contained within the box.  All very nicely organised too....

BACKGROUND ON THE COMPANY:The company was set up in 1988 by two sisters looking for a way to express creativity.  Stampin' Up! was a result of that.  More than two decades later there are thousands of demonstrators around the world using Stampin' Up! products to make beautiful cards and craft projects.

CONTENTS: Everything comes in a very sturdy cardboard box.  You can see all the contents from the above photo. The pre-folded cards come in an array of delightful designs; I adore the contrast between the floral and bright colours and the spotty designs juxtaposed with the pastel.  You also get pre-cut dies, 3d stars and hearts, string, envelopes, stamps and ink.  The resulting cards that you can make from this kit look like a card you would purchase from a high-end boutique shop.

HELP AND GUIDANCE: The accompanying leaflet which comes in the kit illustrates all the various cards you can make using the kit.  All the card parts are clearly labelled by number and so the leaflet features a diagram of the part numbers you need to make up the various cards.  This idea worked very well as it meant I didn't have to spend too long tracking down the needed pieces.

The range of stamps included in this pack allows for much versatility; if you want to tweak a design then you are more than able.  

HIGH QUALITY DIE-CUTS:  The die-cuts were made out of very high-quality card and when pressed simply popped out (and had none of those horrible bumpy perforation marks that die-cuts sometimes have).

IDEAL FOR NEWBIES: I haven't done any rubber stamping for years and so these cards were my first attempt for many years and I was very pleased with the results.  The fact that the mounted cards were ready cut meant that I didn't have to worry about cutting the card accurately.  It just made crafting the cards so much easier.

In terms of design, the cards have a unique blend of pattern, contrast, shape and boldness to really create a high-impact card.  Anyone receiving one of these cards are sure to be delighted!

 GREAT VALUE: The kit is exceptional value at £31.50, as that would work out that each card would be less than £1.60.  For a hand-crafted card that is extremely good value.  With over 20 designs to make, this kit will be providing me with lots of fun for some time yet....

If you'd like to learn a little more about the kit, there's a great video on YouTube produced by the company themselves:

For more information on the card kit visit:
Disclosure: I was sent this product to review but all thoughts are my own.

Oh Happy Day Card Kit Review - Stampin' Up! UK‏

 It's the Summer holidays and crafting time is limited, however, this perfect craft kit 'Oh Happy Day card kit from Stampin' Up! UK' is perfect for a quick crafting fix as everything you could possibly need to create a card from scratch is contained within the box.  All very nicely organised too....

BACKGROUND ON THE COMPANY:The company was set up in 1988 by two sisters looking for a way to express creativity.  Stampin' Up! was result of that.  More than two decades later there are thousands of demonstrators around the world using Stampin' Up! products to make beautiful cards and craft projects.

CONTENTS: Everything comes in a very sturdy cardboard box.  You can see all the contents from the above photo. The pre-folded cards come in an array of delightful designs; I adore the contrast between the floral and the bright colours and the spotty designs juxtaposed with the pastel.  You also get pre-cut dies, 3d stars and hearts, string, envelopes, stamps and ink.  The resulting cards that you can make from this kit look like a card you would purchase from a high-end boutique shop.

HELP AND GUIDANCE: The accompanying leaflet which comes in the kit illustrates all the various cards you can make using the kit.  All the card parts are clearly labelled by number and so the leaflet features a diagram of the part numbers you need to make up the various cards.  This idea worked very well as it meant I didn't have to spend too long tracking down the needed pieces.

The range of stamps included in this pack allows for much versatility; if you want to tweak a design then you are more than able.  

 HIGH QUALITY DIE-CUTS:  The die-cuts were made out of very high-quality card and when pressed simply popped out (and had none of those horrible bumpy perforation marks that die-cuts sometimes have).

IDEAL FOR NEWBIES: I haven't done any rubber stamping for years and so these cards were my first attempt for many years and I was very pleased with the results.  The fact that the mounted cards were ready cut meant that I didn't have to worry about cutting the card accurately.  It just made crafting the cards so much easier.

In terms of design, the cards have a unique blend of pattern, contrast, shape and boldness to really create a high-impact card.  Anyone receiving one of these cards are sure to be delighted!

 GREAT VALUE: The kit is exceptional value at £31.50 as that would work out that each card would be less than £1.60.  For a hand-crafted card that is extremely good value.  With over 20 designs to make this kit will be providing me with lots of fun for some time yet....

If you'd like to learn a little more about the kit, there's a great video on YouTube produced by the company themselves:

For more information on the card kit visit:
Disclosure: I was sent this product to review but all thoughts are my own.

Tuesday, 5 July 2016

Review and Giveaway: Mini Makers

 I was hugely excited about this book.  If you are a follower of my blog, you will know just how much I love 'Mollie Makes' magazine.  I have created many projects from the magazine and they have always been a huge success.  Even the floral wreath next to this book is a front cover project from the mag.  So when I found out that regular contributors to the mag Laura Minter and Tia Williams were the designers of the lovely projects I couldn't wait to see what was inside...

The projects illustrate exactly what is so great about crafting; the chance to put your stamp on something totally individual and unique.  All the projects are super colourful and vibrant and are wow-factor pieces.  Unlike lots of children's books most of the projects are things that you could keep for a long time.  The projects are not only attractive but are highly educational - offering ways to help learn the time, count and keep track of the weather for example.  I think my favourite project is the pirate ship featured below as 'Pirates' has been the topic of the school term this year.  I imagine this would be great for playing with over the Summer holidays.
 In this book you will find tons of inspiration and ideas to explore the immensely exciting world of crafting together.  I liked the fact that the book doesn't stick to one type of craft too; baking, sewing, stitching, drawing, painting; there is something for everyone.
The book features a blend of projects; some which are using the average craft supplies you will find lying around the house and others require more specific items such as air-drying clay.  I liked this because it meant even I could try out new crafts that I hadn't tried before.
This isn't a book featuring projects which children can solely complete by themselves, but one which encourages a parental bond and a firm love of crafting together.  Grown-ups can enjoy creating the basic structures and children can do the really fun task of embellishing and decorating.

Such a fun book!

You can win a copy by entering my Rafflecopter giveaway below:

This book was sent to me as a review copy but all thoughts are my own.

Tuesday, 28 June 2016

Review and Giveaway: Now I can Sew - 20 hand-sewn projects to make by Sian Hamilton

'Now I Can Sew - 20 hand-sewn projects to make' by Sian Hamilton is a book which contains 20 fun and colourful projects to make.  This is the ideal introduction to hand sewing for children from the age of 8 and up.

The main thing that instantly struck me about this book was the fact that each of the projects were things that you would use in everyday life.  SO many craft books have ideas for children to make which are things which will inevitably end up in a recycling bin.  This book however has ideas to brighten and enhance the usual things we use from day to day.  Cushion covers, bags, pencil holders, bookmarks, finger puppets and aprons to name but a few.  

We all know boys love monsters and so my seven year old wanted to have go at making the monster pencil holder (see top photo).  This was a good opportunity to test out how easy the instructions were to follow and how well the projects turned out as a whole.

With several pages dedicated to techniques which covers things like separating strands of embroidery floss, using a needle threader, knotting thread, knotting off thread, over sewing, measuring and marking, tracing templates, stitches and much much more there is simply nothing that you could need to know that is not covered in this book.  If you want your children to take up sewing then this is the book you should be buying for them.  
In fact, I would go as far as to say this could be a very useful reference book for adults just starting out with sewing as the visuals work so well together with the easy to understand language.  This makes taking up sewing a much less daunting prospect.

My son had absolutely no problems following the instructions as the pictures alone were pretty self-explanatory.  Using the stitching guide as a reference the monster pencil pot was made within the hour.  It involved cutting a plastic bottle in half, covering the sharp edges with masking tape and then sewing together the piece of felt.  He cut out the mouth, embroidered the eyes and then we glue-gunned the eyes and fangs on.  We have hundreds of coloured pencils around the house, so I love the idea of creating various coloured monsters to hold certain colours i.e. a red monster for red pencils, a blue monster for blue pencils etc.

Here are some projects we would love to create in the near future:

Overall, this is a vibrant, bright and colourful craft book bursting at the seams with inspiration for adults and children alike.  The photography is gorgeous, I love the way they capture step-by-step photos so that each project is almost fail-proof to follow.  Definitely a book that will be remaining in my crafting library for future reference.

For more info please visit

If you would like to win a copy of this marvellous book, then please enter through Rafflecopter.

Disclaimer: I was sent this book for review, but all thoughts and opinions are my own.

Sunday, 19 June 2016

Review: Decorative Paper Craft by GMC Books

I was busy browsing craft books when my eyes met upon this book.   I knew I had to have it as the projects within it were completely irresistible.  I've never done any form of delicate paper cutting before but I knew within a few seconds that this was a craft I wanted to take up.

I got in contact with GMC Books who kindly sent me a copy of the book to review and off I went to Hobbycraft to purchase my supplies.  It's a really cheap hobby to get started with; all I needed was a scalpel, cutting mat and some good quality card.

I decided straight away that I wanted to make the pop-up bunny card because it just had that instant wow factor.  I also imagined the ways I could incorporate the template in to books I could make for my children.

The templates for the projects are at the back of the book and I did have to get a bit technical as the layout had to be enlarged by 200%.  This is something I have never attempted before with my printer, but after a bit of fiddling I worked it out.  It also means that more projects are packed in to the book so I am not complaining.

The instructions along with the photographs were very easy to understand and as you can see I was more than pleased with my first attempt.  I didn't have any frustrating mishaps and I was left with an urge to complete more projects from the book.  As suggested in the book I added my own illustrations to the blank rabbit and flower shapes to give the card a bit more character.

I liked the fact that the book gives you lots of tips along the way to expand the way you can alter a project.

There is such a lovely blend of novel projects that you can never get bored with this book, as you turn each new page there is always something new to inspire you.

Basically, the book is jam-packed with novel ideas.  I have my eye on completing the following projects:

Money Box Bear made out of paper mache

Notelets Gift Set

Floral Wall-hanging
My next project from this book though will most definitely be the fairytale papercut project which graces the cover of the book (see above).

This will remain a firm favourite within my crafting library and with the variation of projects will be a book I pull out time and time again.

For more info please visit

Tuesday, 31 May 2016

Review and giveaway: Creativity on the go - Pirates book published by Carlton Books

 This terms topic on the curriculum is 'pirates' for my son.  We have borrowed just about every pirate book known to mankind from the library (our favourite was Treasure Island) but if you think any of these wonderful stories helped the drudge of getting my son to enjoy his homework then you can think again.  This was where this wonderful book came in to play...

If I asked my son to write me a story on pirates I would be met with cries of "but that's boring" or the like.  Suddenly this situation was spun on its head when my son was asking me whether he could write a story or draw a pirate picture.  The whole way this book is devised is cleverly enticing from the word go.  Every page is unique and has something to constantly keep the old brain cogs ticking.

If I could show you every page I would because every page offers something truly inspiring.  I will give you a sneak peak to show the pages we have particularly enjoyed completing.  This book has now become part of our bedtime routine and we complete a few pages every night.  My son has been poorly with a chest infection for the last few weeks and so has had to have some time off school but this book was perfect for keeping him in the learning frame of mind.

Imagine you're a pirate

One of the first pages within the book allows children to delve in to what they imagine they would be like if they became a pirate.  This involved drawing a picture, choosing their boat, picking the perfect parrot pet and giving themselves a name.

 Learn to draw
Step-by step pictures helps children to learn ways to achieve an accurate drawing.
 A bit of collage
I have to say this was one of my favourite parts of the book.  There is a whole page of clothes and accessories to cut out and stick on the various pirates.  This took me right back to my childhood.  It also helped my son with his scissor skills and the accuracy which he could cut improved as we went along.  Look how stylish the pirate below is!

 Crafty materials
There are quite a few pages of pirate themed papers within the book which are perfect for creating whatever pirate craft projects you would like.  Bunting, cards, flags etc...  There are lots of ideas for using the papers contained within the book.
 Learn map skills
Just like Long John Silver was excellent at reading maps, children can learn some basic map skills by learning how to understand how grids are plotted (with an added bonus of finding treasure at the end).
 Stickers galore
Who doesn't love stickers??  Lots of gloriously colourful stickers for use in your own projects or to be used within the pages of the book.

 Craft projects 

There are lots of fantastic craft projects within the book.  Door hangers, pirate cookies and make your own pirate hat and sword to name but a few....

 Educational content
Not only does the book contain all that I have mentioned above, but there are some great pages which help children to learn about the world of pirates.
Overall, this is a book that provides constant inspiration and gets children to unleash their imaginations...

Will definitely be purchasing more from the series!

For more info please visit

Disclosure: I was provided with a free copy but all thoughts are my own.

But wait, there's more!  I have a copy to give away to my readers, so to enter please follow the rafflecopter steps below.  Thanks.

Thursday, 26 May 2016

Review: Chloe Tells you How.... To Sew by Chloe Owens

I am so excited to bring you this review.  I only received this book this morning and I am now brimming with inspiration.  Not only is the book jam-packed with awesome projects but I absolutely love the style of the whole book which is based on a 1960's girls annual theme.  You pick up the book and it instantly lets you revert to the warmth and nostalgia of childhood.  

I'm a child of the 1980's but this book reminded me so much of the glorious days of childhood when I could happily spend an afternoon reading my Bunty comics.  There was nothing I liked better than picking up old annuals at the jumble sales as well. My favourite part was the page where you could cut out the paper dolls and dress them with the paper clothes.

If you think of the current popularity of adult colouring books, you go some way in realising how much nostalgic pastimes relax us... Therefore this book with its eclectic blend of projects, comic strips, puzzles and comic characters is a trip right down memory lane and releases lots of happy endorphins.
I'm having a hard time deciding which pages I particularly want to show you, so there are rather a lot of photos in this post for you to appreciate just how wonderful the book is.  

Every single page of the book has been well thought out and from the very first page we are treated to wonderful illustrations. 

The author of the book sounds an amazing person and I would love to chat with her as this book is absolutely brimming with her enthusiasm for crafts.  I immediately was drawn to these bears, so please keep an eye on my blog as once I have gathered the materials I will definitely be making one.

Sometimes craft books can be off-putting with their overuse of technical terms.  It has a very daunting effect; unlike this book where we are treated to instructions in the form of a very cute story; complete with adorable illustrations!

The variation of craft projects in this book means that every reader will find a project to suit them; from an upcycled chair, patchwork quilts, pinafore dresses, felt biscuits, felt ball garlands, cupboard curtains and stuffed toys there is something for everyone.  I would make all 30 of the projects in this book; I love them!

The stories will enchant adults and children alike.
Here's a round-up of my favourite projects:
Jammie Dodger Biscuits
Harvey the Rabbit
Foxy Lady
Patchwork quilt

Fred Bear

The puzzles, games and stories combine to enhance an already fabulous book to a 10/10 rating!

A handy list of stockists are supplied for all the craft products.

Templates are printed full size and can either be traced or scanned.

 All that's left for me to say is that I hope you enjoyed my review, and I know you will find this book as enchanting as I did!

For more info on the book please visit
Disclosure: I was provided with a free copy but all thoughts are my own.