Sunday, 29 July 2012

Kellogg’s Rice Krispies Challenge from Britmums

There's nothing better than something to inspire your creativity and this weekend it was all about Kellogg's Rice Krispies.  I'm sure you will have seen the new boxes from Kellogg's, they feature a plain Snap, Crackle and Pop which are ready for your child to colour in, this is a great chance to showcase your child's artistic abilities.  

Even better is that if you unleash your child's creativity with this wonderful box and blog about it you can take part in the #ColourMeInRK Linky sponsored by Kellogg's.  Take part and you can win £500 cash or a years supply of Rice Krispies!  

Here's our #ColourMeINRK day:

 My three year old son had already coloured in one box before we knew about this challenge, but he was more than happy to partake in some colouring of the box once again.

We started off with making some chocolate Rice Krispie Cakes but I forgot to take pictures of the finished result.  Here's my son enjoying the mixing!

Next we moved on to making a new Rice Krispie character out of a wooden spoon. Here's a photo of the decision making on whether the character needed sparkly gems on his head.  We wanted him to be a superhero so we decided on a big sparkly square.

The concentration.....

 "Wow!  Look I haven't got a mouth, but my creator seems very pleased!"

Welcome Mr Creak; he used to be able to Snap, Crackle and Pop, but now he is old and wooden and is only able to creak.

Now on to the colouring.  More concentration needed.

Our finished box with lots of sparkly gems.....

A close-up:
What a lot of fun with just some crayons and a cereal box!!

Wednesday, 4 July 2012

Invitation: Appletics Event

This sounds like great fun, if only I lived nearer.  If anyone is interested, contact them on the above email address!  Have fun!